The talent I encountered
by Ed Dorian
As a business beat reporter at the Missourian, I was assigned to a story about a new flight service being offered at the Jeff City Airport. Randy McConnell beat me to it for the Tribune with a breezy, informative story that I did not believe someone could write about a topic so mundane. It was hint at the talent I would encounter once I walked though the Tribune’s door.
Other memories, once I got there:
Kevin Moran’s gracious mentorship.
Virginia, cigarette dangling from her lips, typing another impeccably good front-page story on deadline.
Conway’s relentless reporting of the dioxin waste spill.
Sign on Mary Ann’s desk, next to mine, which read, “A clean desk is a sign of sick mind.” I knew I never had to worry about Mary Ann.
Andy’s searing prose.
Chris’ LOL reaction at the Charlie Foster campaign’s full-page ad in the Tribune asking, “Should we let a reporter from New York tell us to elect a Los Angeles sheriff’s deputy to serve as Boone County Sheriff?” Chris thought it was hilarious. I probably should have, but I didn’t.
The amazing photography of Bill, Nick, Sarah, and team.
Gerrity, typing with single digits, rocking his way to another great feature piece.
Carolyn pulling copy from my typewriter after I missed another deadline.
Mike’s clarity of purpose and common sense.
Jan’s kindness. Shep’s laughter. Jeff’s intensity. Dave’s encouragement and positivity. Friedman’s good humor, charm, and seemingly effortless talent.
Phil Gottschalk camped out in the corner of the newsroom scouring wire copy and sharing with whomever would listen to the latest wisdom of the day.
Downing burgers and fries with Fuson at Denny’s after knocking off work with him at 1 a.m.
The Ink Spots indomitable spirit and frequent lousy play.
How much I missed it all once I was gone.