Missouri Photo Workshop 72
A Full House
by Marlena Sloss
Life unfolds in multiples in the Anders family. With four-year-old triplets and one-year-old twins, Nikkia Anders has her hands full every minute of the day. “You don’t have time to sit and eat,” Nikkia said. “Somebody’s always asking for something.”
Nikkia and her husband, Adam, live in Nikkia’s childhood home in Birdseye, Indiana, with her parents, Jerry and Debbie Speedy. Family is everything to the Speedys, who wanted to be a part of their grandchildrens’ lives, in addition to saving money by combining housing costs. On an average weekday, there are ten people living in the household. The couple are parents of 11 children—Nikkia and Adam both have three children from previous marriages.
Though Nikkia has siblings, she knew what it was like to play by herself growing up. After she had her first son, she knew she wanted to have another son for him to play with. She loves that the multiples bring more life and joy to the family. “It gets pretty trying around here but we wouldn’t change it,” Nikkia said.